Malioboro, a tourist destination in Jogjakarta who always indulged a passion every tourist who comes. History, culture, hustle and bustle of traditional markets, and even culinary, could bring inspiration to everyone. Malioboro street is a main street in the city of Jogyakarta, which stretches from monument Jogyakarta to the intersection Jogyakarta Post Office which consists from Prince Mangkubumi Street and Gen.A. Yani, this road is the imaginary axis line of the Sultan's Palace. This region is the mainstream from a typical of Java shopping center . If you are looking for typical items of javanese culture as a souvenir, this place is the right choice to satisfy your desires while in Jogjakarta.

Jogjakarta had alot typical handicrafts that can be found here include woven rattan handicrafts, leather, batik, silver, bamboo and others, in the form of batik clothing, leather bags, leather shoes, rattan ornament, leather puppets, bamboo key chains, spoons / forks silver, batik blangkon (hat is kind of typical Jogyakarta / Java, T-shirts with various models / writing. Shopping centers and restaurants are actually same as the business and shopping centers in other major cities, which fullfill with big-name brands and some local names. goods traded from imported and local goods, from daily necessities to electronic goods, furniture and so forth. It also provides various handicrafts, such as batik, wayang, Imitation Key Chain, purse and others. There is also a spot foreign exchange, bank, five star hotel until type of motel.

Malioboro is close to the other objects of historical tourism, heritage tourism, colonial architecture, as well as other traditional shopping. The objects of historical attractions around Malioboro of which the Sultan Palace and the square, the Great Agung Mosque, Vredeburg castle, Sonobudoyo Museum and Village Kauman. While on tour in Jogyakarta, some of colonial architecture can still be seen, as now Societet Building Cultural Park, Hotel Inna Garuda, Bank Indonesia, and Bank BNI'46. Tourism as well as two nearby traditional shopping in this area, namely Beringharjo and Ngasem Markets. Additionally, for travelers who like to read, this region is also providing a public library owned by the Government of DIY.

Other than the atmosphere in the various diversity, tourists also can watch other peculiarities in the tourist area of Malioboro, dozens of rickshaws and buggy tour of Jogyakarta, which was parked parallel on the right path in the slow lane, and its always ready to take tourists get around of Malioboro and surrounding areas. On the right side of the road, tourists can see hundreds of motorcycles parked along the sidewalk wich are can sign that Malioboro is always crowded by visitors . Another interesting thing to do here is on the night, because at night, you can find a shop that sells Jogja typical food which known as gudeg. Besides, this area is could be as a gathering place for artists where always expressing their capabilities such as playing music, painting, art hapening, mime and others along this road. Or you can find the best performance of
Ramayana ballet near
Prambanan temple which is can make your trip plan many more and interesting.
Transportation among Adisutjipto to MalioboroTo reach the Adisutjipto airport from Malioboro , 1A track can be used. This is the path that will lead the Trans Jogja airport with the shortest route. You can ride from one stop - from 3 (three) stops - which is on Jl. Malioboro. Because the path 1A is also reaching out to Candi Prambanan, 1A track is often filled with passengers. If you do not hurry with your trip, you can also use the line 3A of Malioboro. Of course, this will take a longer route. About time travel, there are some things that affect. For example: congestion along the way. To estimate, from Malioboro to the Airport, traveling time about 40-50 minutes. Again this depends on the traffic situation and of course the availability of buses. The duration between the fleet of about 15 minutes.
To be sure, please ask the attendant shelter / bus stop where you will go up. If you did not want to wait too long, and with the condition that the bus is always full or bus availability can not be expected, you can use a taxi. Taxis are going through a similar route with the Trans Jogja line 1A. About the cost, of course, a taxi will be more expensive. From Airport Adisutjipto Malioboro probably around Rp. 30.000 to Rp 40.000.