1. Ojo dumeh
to control himself so as not arrogant as ojo dumeh gek kuwoso (new endowed with power), ojo dumeh wealthy (just blessed with wealth), ojo dumeh wong grade (new endowed positions), etc..
2. Mulad Sariro Hangrosowani
human beings must be willing and able to the self introspection in order to implement daily life is not wrong.
3. Joyoningrat Surodiro Lebur Dening Pangastuti
all crime and evil would be destroyed by kindness.
4. Alon-Alon Waton kelakon
all that will be done must be considered carefully and be careful, NOT in a hurry in order to fit with the ideals and the original plan.

Historically, many standing in the central java royal kingdom is a monarchy. This can be seen from many various relics of the temple in Central Java, Borobudur in Magelang close. Mendut temple. Pawon temple, Prambanan temple near Klaten. Dieng temple, Sukuh , Gedongsongo temples as cultural heritage past is priceless. Literary texts carved in stone inscriptions, scratched and written on palm leaves in the books is a repertoire of classical Javanese literature that has so far not exhausted endless studied by scientists. There is also a high-quality cultural heritage in the form of dance, music, fine arts. art of puppetry, arts building (architecture), the art of fashion, etc.
Properties derived from the imperial system, the Javanese cultural forms that have a variety of customs and traditions that are quite unique. One is the result of a truly fascinating batik masterpiece and is well known to foreign tourists. Each area in Central Java has the style and characteristics of different batik-arriving thereby increasing the diversity of color batik itself.
In addition to batik, java also has a variety of forms of art appreciation, such as shadow puppets and puppet people. the art has been recognized by UNESCO as world cultural heritage. Coupled with the accompaniment of gamelan (musical instrument) that the coherent-matching with earlier art, adding to the rampant culture of Indonesia, particularly the central Javanese culture. In today's era, central java, still had an empire that remains active and still remain standing, the kingdom is located in the city of Solo and known as "Kasunanan Solo". In the city of Solo, often held a fashion show with the theme of Indonesian batik or culture that emphasizes the material works with recycled materials.

Community of Central Java as the heir of classical Javanese culture is not a homogeneous community or self-colored. but a large community that blossomed in cultural diversity. This was reflected in the growth areas of cultural regions which principally consists of Negarigung cultural region, cultural areas and regions Banyumasan coastal culture. Negarigung cultural region that covers the area of Surakarta - Yogyakarta and surrounding areas are culturally linked with the traditions of the palace (Surakarta and Yogyakarta, Region Banyumasan cultural reach of Banyumas.
Kedu and Bagelen The region includes the coastal culture of Central Java's north coast and extending east to west. Cultural diversity is a basic condition favorable for the flowering of creativity in copyright. race and intention embodied in cultural attitudes. In the area of Central Java art of all kinds grow and develop properly
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