Saturday, 8 October 2011

Museum Basoeki Abdullah , Painting exhibition 2011 : Jakarta

The 2011 painting exhibition themed scene with the title "Landscape of Nations; Field and Mountain As A Symbol" will be held at the Museum Basoeki Abdullah, involving Mikke Susanto [Institut Seni Indonesia, Yogyakarta] and worked as a curator with the Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics [Jakarta] , Museum H. Widayat [Central Java], Museum PUMA [Bali] and the National Gallery of Indonesia [Jakarta].

The exhibition will be officially opened on Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 09:30 pm, until  October 22, 2011, 09:30 to 16:00 pm , by the Director General of History and Archaeology Kemenbupar, Ir. Aurora Tambunan, M. Si, accompanied by the Museum Director, Dra. Intan Mardiana Napitupulu, M. Hum and Head Museum Basoeki Abdullah, Drs. Joko Madsono, M. Hum, and invited officials echelon Ministry of Culture and Tourism and all exhibitors.

The exhibition is also supported by a series of seminars and workshops as follows:

October 15, 2011, 9:30 to 13:00 pm    Seminar on "Appreciation Basoeki Abdullah"
October 22, 2011, 9:30 to 13:00 pm    Workshop "Drawing natural scenery"

The entire series of events exhibitions, seminars and workshops held at:

In accordance with the message contained in a will made by Basoeki Abdullah, stated that his residence is located on Jl. Keuangan Raya Cilandak Barat No.19 South Jakarta, assigned to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia cq. DG Museum Directorate of Culture Ministry of Culture and Tourism to be refitted as a museum. On 25 September 2001 was the residence of Abdullah inaugurated the Museum Basoeki. With a collection of 112 original paintings and 11 works of painting repro Basoeki Abdullah and art objects and personal collections of objects. Museum Basoeki Abdullah serve the community by holding exhibitions, seminars and workshops, as well as issuing various forms of publication in the form of catalogs, biographical collection of articles and research results from a series of activities undertaken.

Media contact:
Museum Basoeki Abdullah
Jl. Keuangan Raya No.19 Cilandak Barat ( West Cilandak ) - South Jakarta

T / F 0217698926
081578719880 [Dian]
081319357657 [Oryza]

Source : National Geography Indonesia

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